Database services

MIBCON DIMA company provides services connected to your DB infrastructure or complete DB servers administration service. According to your needs and security rules settings we will propose optimal scenario for real time monitoring, DB services, or full DB administration.

1. Regime of Regular Checks

In this regime we provide regular checks of your DB servers, its optimization to achieve effective performance and low risk of incidents. It is a package of tasks and checks to be done by our database consultant according to the planned schedule. Such consultant is dedicated for a particular customer. It is beneficial because of good knowledge of the customer infrastructure to provide all the tasks as effectively as possible.

To cover such wide variety of DBA’s duties, two groups of services are provided, in order to maintain the database environment safe and accessible. This extensive package includes the following components, covering proper all-year-long maintenance of your DB systems:

DB Check – provided usually once a month (according to your company and DB infrastructure size), output of such check is a status report with conclusion and possible recommendations of settings changes, upgrade, etc.

DB Healthcheck – it is recommended to do this check ones during six months at least. It is more complex check which includes monitoring and performance evaluation of the DB servers during the whole working day. Based on this check, changes in configuration are recommended. Complex output report is a part of the service.

2. Real Time Monitoring of the Database Server

This option includes monitoring of DB server by 8x5 or 24x7 regimes. It significantly reduces a risk of incidents by potential issues detection. In such cases responsible person on the customer site is contacted with recommended actions to be taken.

It is required a secured remote read only access to system tables of the DB server. Production data does not need to be accessed during such service.

DB monitoring includes:

  • Transactions of the production DB server;
  • DB server performance;
  • DB resources utilization;
  • Incidents.

Selected parameters can be stored in the repository database for regular reporting. The data can be also need when a source of an incident is under investigation.

3. Outsourcing of DB Administrator

This service includes all duties of DB Administrator such as follows:

  • Remote monitoring of DB servers;
  • Backups, disaster and recovery management;
  • Regular tasks and checks, optimization of the servers;
  • DB server security management;
  • Performance tuning;
  • Upgrades installation;
  • Errors and incidents resolving;
  • Regular reporting of the DB servers transactions, utilization of server resources, incidents.

This regime is the most complex and does not require any cooperation of the customer except initial settings of the access to the DB server resources.